Lifting as we Climb
-Mary Church Terrell

Hello Brothers and Guests:
On behalf of the Gamma Gamma Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, it is my honor to welcome you to our online home. We also look forward to seeing your faces in person as we host various events that serve our community.
We hold ourselves to extremely high standards and understand our responsibility to impact the world. Our motto is “friendship is essential to the soul.” We hope that through our efforts in Madison; we will become friends of yours as well.
Our chapter is an efficiently impactful chapter with representation across many fields. We have doctors, lawyers, educators, business and government leaders represented in our chapter and many many more fields. With a diverse representation of skills, we utilize them all in service of community.
This year we are looking to add to our legacy of “lifting as we climb.” We firmly believe that by working together in partnership with our community, we can change the lives of everyone who we come into contact with. It is my honor to serve as the Gamma Gamma Gamma Basileus as we work together to create a more just and equitable Dane County.
Thank you,
Bro. Alex Thompson
Gamma Gamma Gamma Chapter
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
The Gamma Gamma Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is a graduate chapter chartered in Madison, WI. We have been serving the community since 1984. The Madison Omegas are committed to youth & education based programs in our community. With your support, the chapter continues to sponsor youth based programs focused on uplifting our children and overall community. In partnership with the 501(c)(3) Carter G. Woodson Community Service Foundation, we have continued to improve the lives of the under-served in the City of Madison and Dane County.

Upcoming Events
- Sat, May 18Madison
- Sat, Jan 06Monona
- Sun, Nov 19Madison
- Fri, Nov 17Madison
- Sat, May 06Schwoegler's Entertainment Center
- Sat, Dec 03Monona
- Sat, May 07Madison
- Sat, Feb 19Zoom Link will be sent out
- Fri, Dec 31Zoom link to be Announced
- Thu, Jan 14Zoom Link will Be sent